Cloud Post Stalls On Connectivity December 19th 2016 - 09:00 AM

While some cloud-first post services are developing a solid business, many conventional facilities remain reluctant to remote host some or all of a client project. Leading facilities share their input into whether cloud is having an impact on their investments and workflow.

Big Data Retrieval April 29th 2016 - 03:00 PM

As the volume of file-based media grows, the requirement for metadata advances significantly. Simultaneously, the number of sources of metadata available expands as each node in the programme chain adds information to the file. And here lies the problem, the amount of information a producer has to search through is…

Dolby Vision Beating 4K January 29th 2016 - 12:05 PM

Dolby Laboratories has announced major partnerships that will bring Dolby Vision to your living room HDR TV faster than 4K video is becoming available. Look for it in home movie releases and theaters, too.