How we see November 11th 2014 - 08:35 PM

It may be obvious, but sometimes the obvious needs stating, which is that television pictures can only be assessed by the viewer through the human visual system. It is equally obvious, that moving picture reproduction systems developed without an understanding of human vision will be sub-optimal. That’s where we a…

Broadcasters, Telcos Clash Over Spectrum November 10th 2014 - 11:50 AM

Broadcasting and telecoms have had a long relationship, one that in recent years has become closer and more symbiotic. But there is one area where the two clash head on: radio spectrum. This is a vital resource for not just television and radio transmission but also the production of entertainment…

Film preservation for 500 years on film November 10th 2014 - 11:37 AM

Stone, papyrus, paper.. the history of recorded information suggests that a physical medium has the best chance of long term survival. It’s a problem that Hollywood studios continues to grapple with by retaining archival film prints of movies in the knowledge that, contrary to digital, optical or cloud-based formats,…