Applied Technology: An Appliance of Science at NAB February 27th 2015 - 08:30 PM

Controlling content quality for delivery in an increasingly diverse array of formats to multiple platforms is time-consuming and costly, particularly in the rush to prepare and exchange file-based media between post production, distribution and broadcast facilities. There are now ways to automate that time-consuming process, but the question broadcasters and…

Audio Loudness - or Why Commercials Annoy October 15th 2014 - 11:50 AM

You are sitting there quietly watching your favorite show on TV when all of a sudden the commercial comes on – BAM, WAM, BUY, BUY… screams at you. The purpose of the commercial is to grab your attention in the few seconds of the spot. The recording engineers in the commercials pro…

The importance of QC in multichannel August 3rd 2014 - 08:41 PM

Multichannel has become the norm. Now you need an automated QC solution. Multichannel distribution of live broadcasts offers local programmers the ability to reach a wider consumer base. The TV Everywhere movement has created a consumer climate in which people want the ability to watch any program at any time.…