Triveni Digital Explores The Benefits Of ATSC 3.0 Datacasting At 2022 NAB Show BEIT Conference

Triveni Digital’s senior vice president of emergent technology development, Mark Corl, will present a session on NextGen TV datacasting at the 2022 Broadcast and Engineering IT Conference (BEITC).

The session “Exploring the Benefits of ATSC 3.0 Datacasting and Opportunistic Data Insertion (ODI)” examines the advantages of the ATSC 3.0 data delivery platform, outlining how broadcasters can successfully implement a NextGen TV datacasting environment and leverage optimizations such as ODI.

“NextGen TV is an outstanding opportunity for broadcasters to deliver advanced, revenue-enhancing services, including datacasting,” said Corl. “My BEITC session will highlight how broadcasters can overcome bandwidth challenges and take advantage of new, exciting data delivery opportunities by utilizing bandwidth optimization and intelligent management technologies.”

With 25 years of experience and extensive contributions in product engineering and architecture, Corl brings an unparalleled knowledge of ATSC 3.0 to his BEITC session. During the presentation, Corl will share insights on how to deploy an ATSC 3.0 datacasting environment, sharing use cases and strategies for optimizing the broadcast path through forward error correction, hybrid delivery return path statistics, statistical multiplexing, and ODI. The session will highlight why it is important for broadcasters to operate in a unified solutions environment to best leverage ODI and bring NextGen TV datacasting services to market.

Corl’s BEITC session will take place on Sunday, April 24, from 10:35 to 10:55 a.m. in the Las Vegas Convention Center in room W307-W309. 

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