MediaHub Goes To Actus Digital For Broadcast Compliance And Monitoring

MediaHub Australia required a new compliance-based recording and storage solution as part of a new mux based DTT broadcast headend they will be providing later this year and for that they turned to Magna Systems and Actus Digital.

Actus is a channel partner of Magna’s and we have deployed several successful Actus solutions within the Asia Pacific region. In consultation with the MediaHub team regarding this refresh project, Magna proposed the Actus solution which met every MediaHub requirement and more,” explained David Herridge, Magna Systems & Engineering Business Development Manager.

MediaHub required their new solution to record native 132 services in 34 muxed transport streams of mixed SD/HD for 7 days. They also required proxy transcoding and storage of the same set of services for 120 days.

MediaHub’s Executive Head of Technology, Simon Scott, said, “The Actus solution is feature rich, meets all of our needs and has additional functionality which we will utilise in the future too. The advanced clipping function as part of the Actus solution is very well developed and surprisingly user friendly. Also having Magna as an on-the-ground resource is invaluable when deploying new technology, systems and solutions.”

MediaHub will be using the Actus solution to record and store 132 proxy channels at 512K per service using the Actus transcoding feature and 34 Native TS totalling 650GB per day. They will also use production solution metrics provided by Actus.

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