TV2’s New-Generation SNG Vans Equipped With AVIWEST Solutions

AVIWEST solutions now feature in TV2’s new generation of SNG and IP vans for on-the-go, live multicamera coverage and remote production.
AVIWEST’s solutions have been used by TV2, Denmark’s national TV station, to equip the broadcaster’s new generation of satellite news gathering (SNG) and IP vans dedicated to on-the-go, live multicamera coverage and remote production.
The vans are now equipped with AVIWEST PRO3 Series bonded cellular transmitters, HE4000 UHD/multi-HD video encoders, QUAD CellLink antennas, and other first-class solutions, enabling TV2 to transition from Ku-band satellite to a full IP-based production workflow, reducing its operational costs while improving video production quality and efficiency.
TV2’s live teams always need to be ready to provide quick news coverage to viewers, offering well-developed and immersive live stories. With their new smart-designed vans, TV2 reporters have all the tools they need at their fingertips.
“The new vans enable us to produce more high-quality, value-added live content for the same cost. Our journalists and camera operators can move freely and operate all of the equipment with ease,” said Jens Christoffersen, technical solution architect at TV2. “With AVIWEST’s solutions, remote areas become accessible. The equipment is more modular, compact, and lightweight that what we were using previously, and we have the unique capability to support news helicopter feeds, if necessary.”
Deploying the AVIWEST StreamHub transceiver platform, TV2 can simultaneously stream to multiple destinations, such as web, OTT, and TV. StreamHub features AVIWEST’s SST (Safe Streams Transport) protocol, which reliably combines multiple algorithms, including FEC, ARQ, and VBR rate control, to provide a high quality of service. StreamHub’s universality enables it to support a variety of streaming protocols, such as RTMP, RTSP/RTP, HLS and TS/IP, to ensure that broadcasters can freely distribute video content over the public internet and virtually any IP networks, including 3G, 4G, and 5G.
Thanks to AVIWEST’s HE4000 encoders and camera-mounted PRO380 bonded cellular transmitters, TV2 can remotely produce multicamera live stories and multiplatform contribution with up to five concurrent video streams. The camera control is managed through CyanView’s RCP, which is fully integrated with AVIWEST’s solution. TV2 is also able to stream live, on-the-road duplex interviews while simultaneously capturing live drone footage. All equipment set up within an SNG and IP van can be fully monitored by TV2’s technical team.
“By streamlining their production workflow and optimizing costs with our advanced AVIWEST solution, TV2 can offer an increased amount of live video content and boost viewer engagement,” said David Jaouen, sales director at AVIWEST.
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