LTN Global Launches Universal Signaling Solution For Addressable TV Advertising

LTN Target delivers ad decisioning and ad signaling system integration that enables national linear addressable advertising across all platforms.

Fragmentation in distribution platforms and ad decisioning systems, as well as manual workflows, have prevented linear channels from running national addressable ads at scale during live linear broadcasts. LTN Target is said to integrate seamlessly with all parts of the advertising ecosystem to enable linear addressable advertising on any network, platform, and workflow.

LTN Target enables media companies to launch addressable advertising and maximize the value of their ad inventory without disrupting the viewing experience.

Its capabilities include:

  • Frame-accurate signaling to ensure the replacement of an ad with the addressable creative is invisible to the viewer.
  • Contextual metadata and precision advertising data that allows addressable advertising to safely coexist with traditional linear advertising.
  • Cross-platform signaling that enables the same addressable ad to play across multiple platforms simultaneously.
  • Workflow automation.

“After decades of work, scalable national addressable TV advertising is finally here for linear networks — and the early adopters are going to enjoy a windfall in 2021,” says LTN Global Executive Chairman and Co-Founder Malik Khan. “We’re excited to be part of the early stages of the addressable advertising revolution. LTN Target is the only automated universal signaling solution that integrates with all the parts of the TV ecosystem to enable the scale needed to attract advertisers. Our customers have already used Target to deploy their first campaigns and are looking to make their ad inventory even more valuable through increasingly sophisticated data enhancements.”

LTN Target enables interoperability at scale by acting as an automated translation layer and communications proxy between the various disparate systems in the advertising ecosystem. The fully managed service interoperates with all ad decision providers, addressable platforms, broadcast automation, traffic, and scheduling systems. LTN Target delivers frame-accurate timing that meets the insertion and distribution infrastructure requirements, using video watermarks, in-band and out-of-band SCTE 104/35, and DASH/X-Links.

LTN Global is working with the VIZIO-led Open Addressable Ready (OAR) consortium formed in 2019 to define technical standards for TV programmers and platforms to deliver more relevant advertising experiences within linear and on-demand formats on smart TVs.  

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