BT Upgrades FacilityLine Video Exchange Service With Nevion VideoIPath

BT Media and Broadcast has implemented orchestration and SDN control software for its central video exchange service, FacilityLine.

The software called VideoIPath has been provided by Nevion, a Norwegian provider of virtualized media production technology now part of the Sony Group.

FacilityLine is a high-capacity, multi-format, live video exchange service through which BT Wholesale customers share SD, HD and UHD/4K with media organizations within the UK. With an accent on speed and security, BT needed to upgrade control in order to move towards SDN (Software Defined Networking), automation and IP infrastructure.

BT Media and Broadcast selected Nevion VideoIPath having previously successfully implemented the software in other deployments, including UK-wide contribution networks. In this project, VideoIPath controls two large SDI switches, linked via tie-lines, and connecting around 1,500 sources with 2,000 destinations. Over the next year, more than 250,000 bookings are anticipated between the sources and destinations of the FacilityLine Community.

“This new capability offers a significantly improved and user-friendly interface for our customers, simplifying the process of scheduling connections,” said Faisal Mahomed, Director of Media and Broadcast, BT Wholesale. “In addition, the solution also gives us the flexibility we need to offer integrated software-led and user-focused solutions.”

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