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A Brief History of IP - Routing IP Networks May 23rd 2018 - 11:00 AM

Network routing is a phrase that is bandied about broadcast forums liberally. But what exactly does it mean to route an IP datagram? And why is it important for broadcast and radio stations?

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The benefits of new technology often change what engineers formerly thought was fact. Stay up-to-date.

Shattering Old Myths About Audio Recording May 22nd 2018 - 09:00 AM

Those of us who have grown up doing professional audio recording establish certain rules of the road that we learn and tend to never forget. The problem is — over time — new technology makes these our old rules obsolete. Here are some common old-school myths that we now all need to forget.

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Audio Over IP - Making It Work - Part 1 May 17th 2018 - 11:00 AM

Building and operating IP networks is much more than just about saving money on infrastructure costs. Its success is deeply rooted in the ease of flexibility, scalability, and inter-connectivity that it can provide. And one of the greatest benefits of IP is that the protocol and underlying hardware is independent of the data being carried, therefore, distributing and interfacing between different formats is easier than ever.

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Creating a Low Cost Studio on a Tight Budget May 4th 2018 - 01:00 PM

With the few recording studios now for only the rich and famous, many organizations want to take advantage of the streaming media landscape with low-cost podcasts and web presentations. Fortunately, high-quality gear is now available that can be easily set-up in any office, home or other space. Here’s some guidance on constructing a low-cost studio.

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Despite the power of CAD software, loudspeaker design still requires the skills of a knowledgeable human. Illustration: 3DEricDesign.

Loudspeaker Technology Part 15: A Catalogue of Shortcomings May 2nd 2018 - 01:05 PM

Loudspeakers began as simple wooden boxes. Today, they have evolved into a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colours, materials and technology. Yet, the physics of audio acoustics and the human auditory system has not changed. John Watkinson looks at the state of loudspeaker design and how the industry continues to make the same design errors.

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Recording Professional Voiceovers in Homes and Offices May 1st 2018 - 10:00 AM

For most of us, the era of the recording studio is long over. Voiceovers for broadcasts, podcasts and narration are now mostly done in homes, offices and other make-shift locations. It’s a new world that requires a special engineering skill set to create professional voiceovers from any location.

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A Brief History of IP - Audio Networks April 5th 2018 - 11:00 AM

IP networking is taking the radio and broadcast industry by storm, but as a method of distributing data, it has been available since the 1970’s. So, what are IP Networks? And why have they become so popular recently?

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Understanding IP Networks - Production Crews and IP - Part 22 April 4th 2018 - 11:00 AM

Broadcast television is the point where the creative arts and technology meet. It’s different from any other discipline as to operate at an optimum level, and get the best possible quality, artisans, producers, and creatives have a deeper technical understanding of their craft than any other artistic discipline. And over the years, the demarcation between creativity and technology has become blurred as members of the creative teams have found themselves delving deep into engineering disciplines.

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