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NEP Australia now regularly delivers live-to-air, uncompressed HD REMI productions using SMPTE 2110 for FOX SPORTS.

Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Conference Spotlights Value Of REMI Operations April 5th 2018 - 03:00 PM

During the Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Conference (BEITC) at this year’s 2018 NAB Show, an all-industry seminar will look at the challenges and practical benefits of REMI (remote-integration model) operations.

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ATSC 3.0 comprises a suite of standards.

Broadcast TV’s future revealed:  ATSC 3.0 enables new business models April 4th 2018 - 01:50 PM

Consumers in the digital age are quick to adapt new media consumption habits as new media and methods of accessing it and interacting with it evolve. Every media technology must innovate and compete or become obsolete. For broadcast television, this challenge is practically existential. The broadcast model of one-to-many for television (and radio) dominated the second half of the 20th century. But the introduction of cable and satellite TV and the Internet enabled not only a direct one-on-one relationship between a media source and consumers but tailored personalized services and offerings that bolster “stickiness” or loyalty.

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